Command line basics
by Hasan
This tutorial is taken from Corey schafer youtube video
- At first we need to configure the global configuration. That means who is working with the projects
git config --global "HasanGoni"
git config --global ""
- If we want to see all the configuration in this computer we can usually
git config --list
git help <verb>
Two scenario to use git
- Local machine existing project you want to track it
- Existing project remotely you want develope.
1. Local project
Initializing the project
git init
- If we want to stop tracking the project we need to remove the .git directory.
rm -r .git
Observe the status of the project
git status
to see the status of the project
Ignoring certain files
To ignore some files need to add
file in the directory.vim .gitignore
For example in python we don’t want to track pycache files. So we want to add
. Here we are saying please ignore .project directory and .DS_Store directory and ignore all files which ends with .pyc file extension.
Adding files
- We will add those lines to the .gitignore files and save them
- Adding files, we can just add all untracked files with
git add -A
- Or we can just tell please add all the files.
git add
- Or one can add just a single file like
git add .gitignore
. Here we just adding a single .gitignore file.
Remove files from staging area
- If we want to remove a file from staging area we can just say
git reset <filename>
. e.g.git reset .gitignore
- Like previously if we want everything to remove from staging area we can just say
git reset
git commit -m "Explanatory message of the change"
- if we want to see the status, we can use
git log
, which will show status and hashed history with commit message.
2. Track existing remote project with git
Clone remote repository
git clone <url> <where to clone>
- e.g.
git clone ../remote_repo.git .
. here . is current directory
Inoformation about remote repository
git remote -v
–list information of the repositroygit branch -a
–> shows all the branches in the repository. Remote and local- Now after doing some change we need to push it
Show information of the changes done
git diff
git status
shows what needs to be commited and what already commitedAdding file
git add -A
adds to staginggit status
shows again the status. May be this time will show everything already commited because of previously git addCommit
git commit -m "Information of the code"
- Now we want to push those changes to remote repository
Pushing to remote repository
- First need to do
git pull
git push origin master
–> origin is the name of the remote directory and master is the branch where we want to push
Common Workflow
- Create branch
git branch new_branch
- Go to that branch
git checkout new_branch
- Adding file
git add -A
- Commit
git commit -m "message Information"
- Pushing in Remote
git push name_of remote_directory name_of_local_branch
git push origin new_branch
- Show available branch
git branch -a
- Checking out local master
git checkout master
git pull origin master
- Check which branches are merged
git branch --merged
- Merging with master
git merge new_brach
when you are in master branch - Push to remote brach
git push oringin master
- Check again all the merges
git branch --merged
- Delete new creeated branch
git branch -d new_branch
- Delete branch from remote repository
git push origin --delete new_branch