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19 July 2021

Week1 classnotes

by Hasan

This is my class Note of courseara Specialisation of Machine learning in Production. This is the 2nd course of the specialization. This course is divided into four weeks. This is the class notes of week1

1. Introduction to Machine Learning Engineering in Production


ML code fig

So actually production ML is a mixture of Machine learning development + Modern Software development

Managing the entire life cycle of data

Modern software development

Yes off course previous things are important, but you are putting a product into development, so you need to consider all the precaution which is necessary for a software deployment. So additionally following things need to be consider.

Production machine learning system

  1. Scoping

    • Define project and goal
    • Resources
  2. Data

    • Define data and establish baseline
    • label and Organize data
    • Sometimes also require human label performance and baseline definition.
  3. Modelling

    • Select and train model
    • Perform error analysis
  4. Deployment

    • Deploy in production
    • Monitor and maintain system performance

We actually live a world where everything changes dramatically. So may be there will be time when degradation of your model performance will occur. So continuous monitor the model performance will help you to detect the deterioration of model. Then need to again go to Modelling part of the model.


Challenges in production grade ML

ML Pipelines

Directed acyclic graphs


Pipeline orchestration frameworks


Tensorflow Extended (TFX)


TFX Hello World


2. Collecting Data

Importance of Data

ML: Data is a first class citizen

Everything starts with data

Data Pipeline


Data Collection and Monitoring


Key points

Example Application:Suggesting Runs

Key considerations


Get to know your data

Dataset issues

Measure data effectiveness

Translate user needs into data needs

Key points

Responsible Data: Security, Privacy, \& Fairness



Data security and privacy

User privacy

ML systems can fail users

Commit to fairness

Reducing bias: Design fair labeling systems

Types of human raters

Key points

3. Labelling data

Case Study: Degraded Model Performance

Case study: taking action

What causes Problems ?

Gradual Problems

  1. Data changes
  1. World changes

Sudden Problems

Why “Understand” the model

Data and Concept Change in Production ML


Detecting problems with deployed models

Easy problems

Harder problems

Really Hard problems

Key points

Process Feedback and Human Labeling

Data Labeling

Why is labeling important in production ML?

Direct labelling: continuous creation of training of training dataset


Process feedback -advantages

Process feedback -disadvantages

Process feedback- Open-Source log analysis tools

Process feedback- Cloud log analytics

Human Labeling

Human Labeling Methodology

Human labeling- advantages


Key points

4. Validating Data

Detecting Data issues


Drift and skew


Detecting data issues

Detecting distribution skew


Skew detection workflow


Tensorflow Data Valiadation (TFDV)

Please see this tutorial
