by Hasan
Basic Kubernetes objects
- pods
- Services
- Volumes
- Namespaces
- A container or group of containers you want to run
It actually a wrapper around your container which Kubernetes communicates for management.
- Pod can have one or more containers. If some containers are tightly coupled or related you may choose to tie them in a single pod. Normally one pod for single container is most common.
- Each pod has ip address
- A pod or collection of pods you want to expose as microservice
kubernetes object that represent directories that mount to pods so containers have access to read and modify files in a persitent manner.
Allow you to have multiple virtual Kubernetes clusters backed by the same physical cluster.
Amazon EKS Demonstration
- EKS and kubernetes command line tools(EKS control und Kubecontrol) installation
- EKS control will be utilzed for cluster
- Kubecontrol will be utilized for container
ekctl create cluster \ > --name ekddemo \ > --version 1.14 \ > --nodegroup-name standard-workers \ > --nodetype t3.medium \ > --nodes 3\ > --nodes-min 1 \ > --nodes-max 4 \ > --nodes-ami auto
node ami –>image for containers node information related to the node that will be launched as a part of the cluster
- First see the cluster which was just created
aws eks list-clusters --region=us-west-2 --output=json
- Nginx image will de extracted from docker-hub creates a deployment for one pod
kubectl create deployment nginx --image=nginx:latest
- In real world we don’t user latest and we need more than one . Now we can scale up
kubectl scale deployment/nginx --replaces=4
here it is scaled to 4 pods
- Now we will describe the pod to get more details
kubectl describe deployment/nginx
- Now let see the pods
kubectl get pods
- Now we will expose the pod using load balancer
kubectl expose deployment/nginx --port=80 --target-port=80 --type=LoadBalncer --name=webservice "web" exposed
kubectl get svc/web -o=jsonpath="{.status.laodbalancer.ingress..hostname}"
Scaling with k8
- kubernetes use nodes and pods both needs to be austoscaled.
cluser autoscalar
- pods failed becuase of insufficient cluster resources. Nodes will be added in that case.
- Underutilized nodes on cluster
- Cross zoning not possible. Therefore needs to inform/configure to aware of autoscaling groups then command line interface can be used (kuberctl)
- Pod autoscalar
Horizontal Pod autoscaling
- The metric used for this autoscalar is
kubernetes metrcis server
Custom metric API
can be usedVertical pod autoscaler
- The metric used for this autoscalar is
Kubernetes Ecosystem
- Portable and extensible. To run it in AWS there are some options
- Done by ownself–> atleast 3 master nodes are required–> complex
- Amazon Eks (elastic kubernetes service)
- Synchronization of masters
- Automated version upgrades and patching of master
- Handles high avialability