Create docker image from docker file, run it and push to ibm registry
by Hasan
Introductory work and hello-world running
- First check the docker cli is installed
- that can be done by following command
docker --version
- that can be done by following command
- Check ibmcloud cli is installed or not.
imbcloud version
will tell you whether ibmcloud is installed or not - Change to project folder
cd /home/project
[ ! -d 'CC201' ] && git clone
cd CC201/labs/1_ContainersAndDocker/
- see available images
docker images
- pull first dokcer image from docker hub
docker run hello-world
- Now we can see all the running images by
docker ps -a
- Now we can remove the container by its container id
docker container rm <container id>
- lets check whether it still running or not
docker ps
Build an image using docker file
- We already cloned the docker filea and app
docker file is the following.
FROM node:9.4.0-alpine COPY app.js . COPY package.json . RUN npm install &&\ apk update &&\ apk upgrade EXPOSE 8080 CMD node app.js
- we can build the image by running
dockcer build . -t myimage:v1
- let see all the images
docker images
Runing the image
- Now that we have built the image, we can run it
docker run -dp 8080:8080 my_image:v1
- Now check whether app is running .
curl lacalhost:8080
, this will tell some output which confirms that the app is running
Stop the image
- Now we can stop it by running
docker stop <container id>
- We can actually actually stop all the containers
docker stop $(docker ps -q)
- docker ps will tell whether everything is stopped or something is running
Push image to container registry
- First need to logiin ibmcloud
- then following command will tell information regarding the account
ibmcloud target
- Need to create an IBM cloud container Registry(ICR) namespace. Since Container Registry is multitenant, namespace will devide the registry among different users
- ibmcloud cr namespaces
- target the desired region, here in coursera the region is set us-south,
ibmcloud cr region-set us-south
- Now need to login to account
ibmcloud cr login
- export namespace as environment variable so that, it can be used later.
- Tag the image so that it can be pushed
docker tag myimage:v1$MY_NAMESPACE/hello-world:1
- Now push the image
docker push$MY_NAMESPACE/hello-world:1
- Verify the images are available or not
ibmcloud cr images
- If we want to see only the image availabe we can see it
imbcloud cr images --restrict $MY_NAMESPACE
Delete the project
- From Open shift console goto project -> click action->delete project