Hasan's Post

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20 November 2022


by Hasan

This is a notebook, used in the screencast video. Note, that the data files are not present here in Jupyter hub and you will not be able to run it. But you can always download the notebook to your local machine as well as the competition data and make it interactive. Competition data can be found here: https://www.kaggle.com/c/springleaf-marketing-response/data

import os
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd 
from tqdm import tqdm_notebook
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
%matplotlib inline

import warnings

import seaborn
def autolabel(arrayA):
    ''' label each colored square with the corresponding data value. 
    If value > 20, the text is in black, else in white.
    arrayA = np.array(arrayA)
    for i in range(arrayA.shape[0]):
        for j in range(arrayA.shape[1]):
                plt.text(j,i, "%.2f"%arrayA[i,j], ha='center', va='bottom',color='w')

def hist_it(feat):
def gt_matrix(feats,sz=16):
    a = []
    for i,c1 in enumerate(feats):
        b = [] 
        for j,c2 in enumerate(feats):
            mask = (~train[c1].isnull()) & (~train[c2].isnull())
            if i>=j:


    plt.figure(figsize = (sz,sz))
    plt.imshow(a, interpolation = 'None')
    _ = plt.xticks(range(len(feats)),feats,rotation = 90)
    _ = plt.yticks(range(len(feats)),feats,rotation = 0)
def hist_it1(feat):

Read the data

train = pd.read_csv('train.csv.zip')
Y = train.target
test = pd.read_csv('test.csv.zip')
test_ID = test.ID

Data overview

Probably the first thing you check is the shapes of the train and test matrices and look inside them.

print 'Train shape', train.shape
print 'Test shape',  test.shape
Train shape (145231, 1934)
Test shape (145232, 1933)
ID VAR_0001 VAR_0002 VAR_0003 VAR_0004 VAR_0005 VAR_0006 VAR_0007 VAR_0008 VAR_0009 ... VAR_1926 VAR_1927 VAR_1928 VAR_1929 VAR_1930 VAR_1931 VAR_1932 VAR_1933 VAR_1934 target
0 2 H 224 0 4300 C 0.0 0.0 False False ... 98 98 998 999999998 998 998 9998 9998 IAPS 0
1 4 H 7 53 4448 B 1.0 0.0 False False ... 98 98 998 999999998 998 998 9998 9998 IAPS 0
2 5 H 116 3 3464 C 0.0 0.0 False False ... 98 98 998 999999998 998 998 9998 9998 IAPS 0
3 7 H 240 300 3200 C 0.0 0.0 False False ... 98 98 998 999999998 998 998 9998 9998 RCC 0
4 8 R 72 261 2000 N 0.0 0.0 False False ... 98 98 998 999999998 998 998 9998 9998 BRANCH 1

5 rows × 1934 columns

ID VAR_0001 VAR_0002 VAR_0003 VAR_0004 VAR_0005 VAR_0006 VAR_0007 VAR_0008 VAR_0009 ... VAR_1925 VAR_1926 VAR_1927 VAR_1928 VAR_1929 VAR_1930 VAR_1931 VAR_1932 VAR_1933 VAR_1934
0 1 R 360 25 2251 B 2.0 2.0 False False ... 0 98 98 998 999999998 998 998 9998 9998 IAPS
1 3 R 74 192 3274 C 2.0 3.0 False False ... 0 98 98 998 999999998 998 998 9998 9998 IAPS
2 6 R 21 36 3500 C 1.0 1.0 False False ... 0 98 98 998 999999998 998 998 9998 9998 IAPS
3 9 R 8 2 1500 B 0.0 0.0 False False ... 0 98 98 998 999999998 998 998 9998 9998 IAPS
4 10 H 91 39 84500 C 8.0 3.0 False False ... 0 98 98 998 999999998 998 998 9998 9998 IAPS

5 rows × 1933 columns

There are almost 2000 anonymized variables! It’s clear, some of them are categorical, some look like numeric. Some numeric feateures are integer typed, so probably they are event conters or dates. And others are of float type, but from the first few rows they look like integer-typed too, since fractional part is zero, but pandas treats them as float since there are NaN values in that features.

From the first glance we see train has one more column target which we should not forget to drop before fitting a classifier. We also see ID column is shared between train and test, which sometimes can be succesfully used to improve the score.

It is also useful to know if there are any NaNs in the data. You should pay attention to columns with NaNs and the number of NaNs for each row can serve as a nice feature later.

# Number of NaNs for each object
0     25
1     19
2     24
3     24
4     24
5     24
6     24
7     24
8     16
9     24
10    22
11    24
12    17
13    24
14    24
dtype: int64
# Number of NaNs for each column
ID           0
VAR_0001     0
VAR_0002     0
VAR_0003     0
VAR_0004     0
VAR_0005     0
VAR_0006    56
VAR_0007    56
VAR_0008    56
VAR_0009    56
VAR_0010    56
VAR_0011    56
VAR_0012    56
VAR_0013    56
VAR_0014    56
dtype: int64

Just by reviewing the head of the lists we immediately see the patterns, exactly 56 NaNs for a set of variables, and 24 NaNs for objects.

Dataset cleaning

Remove constant features

All 1932 columns are anonimized which makes us to deduce the meaning of the features ourselves. We will now try to clean the dataset.

It is usually convenient to concatenate train and test into one dataframe and do all feature engineering using it.

traintest = pd.concat([train, test], axis = 0)

First we schould look for a constant features, such features do not provide any information and only make our dataset larger.

# `dropna = False` makes nunique treat NaNs as a distinct value
feats_counts = train.nunique(dropna = False)
VAR_0213    1
VAR_0207    1
VAR_0840    1
VAR_0847    1
VAR_1428    1
VAR_1165    2
VAR_0438    2
VAR_1164    2
VAR_1163    2
VAR_1162    2
dtype: int64

We found 5 constant features. Let’s remove them.

constant_features = feats_counts.loc[feats_counts==1].index.tolist()
print (constant_features)

traintest.drop(constant_features,axis = 1,inplace=True)
['VAR_0207', 'VAR_0213', 'VAR_0840', 'VAR_0847', 'VAR_1428']

Remove duplicated features

Fill NaNs with something we can find later if needed.

traintest.fillna('NaN', inplace=True)

Now let’s encode each feature, as we discussed.

train_enc =  pd.DataFrame(index = train.index)

for col in tqdm_notebook(traintest.columns):
    train_enc[col] = train[col].factorize()[0]

We could also do something like this:

# train_enc[col] = train[col].map(train[col].value_counts())

The resulting data frame is very very large, so we cannot just transpose it and use .duplicated. That is why we will use a simple loop.

dup_cols = {}

for i, c1 in enumerate(tqdm_notebook(train_enc.columns)):
    for c2 in train_enc.columns[i + 1:]:
        if c2 not in dup_cols and np.all(train_enc[c1] == train_enc[c2]):
            dup_cols[c2] = c1
{'VAR_0009': 'VAR_0008',
 'VAR_0010': 'VAR_0008',
 'VAR_0011': 'VAR_0008',
 'VAR_0012': 'VAR_0008',
 'VAR_0013': 'VAR_0006',
 'VAR_0018': 'VAR_0008',
 'VAR_0019': 'VAR_0008',
 'VAR_0020': 'VAR_0008',
 'VAR_0021': 'VAR_0008',
 'VAR_0022': 'VAR_0008',
 'VAR_0023': 'VAR_0008',
 'VAR_0024': 'VAR_0008',
 'VAR_0025': 'VAR_0008',
 'VAR_0026': 'VAR_0008',
 'VAR_0027': 'VAR_0008',
 'VAR_0028': 'VAR_0008',
 'VAR_0029': 'VAR_0008',
 'VAR_0030': 'VAR_0008',
 'VAR_0031': 'VAR_0008',
 'VAR_0032': 'VAR_0008',
 'VAR_0038': 'VAR_0008',
 'VAR_0039': 'VAR_0008',
 'VAR_0040': 'VAR_0008',
 'VAR_0041': 'VAR_0008',
 'VAR_0042': 'VAR_0008',
 'VAR_0043': 'VAR_0008',
 'VAR_0044': 'VAR_0008',
 'VAR_0181': 'VAR_0180',
 'VAR_0182': 'VAR_0180',
 'VAR_0189': 'VAR_0188',
 'VAR_0190': 'VAR_0188',
 'VAR_0196': 'VAR_0008',
 'VAR_0197': 'VAR_0008',
 'VAR_0199': 'VAR_0008',
 'VAR_0201': 'VAR_0051',
 'VAR_0202': 'VAR_0008',
 'VAR_0203': 'VAR_0008',
 'VAR_0210': 'VAR_0208',
 'VAR_0211': 'VAR_0208',
 'VAR_0215': 'VAR_0008',
 'VAR_0216': 'VAR_0008',
 'VAR_0221': 'VAR_0008',
 'VAR_0222': 'VAR_0008',
 'VAR_0223': 'VAR_0008',
 'VAR_0228': 'VAR_0227',
 'VAR_0229': 'VAR_0008',
 'VAR_0238': 'VAR_0089',
 'VAR_0239': 'VAR_0008',
 'VAR_0357': 'VAR_0260',
 'VAR_0394': 'VAR_0246',
 'VAR_0438': 'VAR_0246',
 'VAR_0446': 'VAR_0246',
 'VAR_0512': 'VAR_0506',
 'VAR_0527': 'VAR_0246',
 'VAR_0528': 'VAR_0246',
 'VAR_0529': 'VAR_0526',
 'VAR_0530': 'VAR_0246',
 'VAR_0672': 'VAR_0670',
 'VAR_1036': 'VAR_0916'}

Don’t forget to save them, as it takes long time to find these.

import cPickle as pickle
pickle.dump(dup_cols, open('dup_cols.p', 'w'), protocol=pickle.HIGHEST_PROTOCOL)

Drop from traintest.

traintest.drop(dup_cols.keys(), axis = 1,inplace=True)

Determine types

Let’s examine the number of unique values.

nunique = train.nunique(dropna=False)
ID                145231
VAR_0001               3
VAR_0002             820
VAR_0003             588
VAR_0004            7935
VAR_0005               4
VAR_0006              38
VAR_0007              36
VAR_0008               2
VAR_0009               2
VAR_0010               2
VAR_0011               2
VAR_0012               2
VAR_0013              38
VAR_0014              38
VAR_0015              27
VAR_0016              30
VAR_0017              26
VAR_0018               2
VAR_0019               2
VAR_0020               2
VAR_0021               2
VAR_0022               2
VAR_0023               2
VAR_0024               2
VAR_0025               2
VAR_0026               2
VAR_0027               2
VAR_0028               2
VAR_0029               2
VAR_1907              41
VAR_1908              37
VAR_1909              41
VAR_1910              37
VAR_1911             107
VAR_1912           16370
VAR_1913           25426
VAR_1914           14226
VAR_1915            1148
VAR_1916               8
VAR_1917              10
VAR_1918              86
VAR_1919             383
VAR_1920              22
VAR_1921              18
VAR_1922            6798
VAR_1923            2445
VAR_1924             573
VAR_1925              11
VAR_1926               6
VAR_1927              10
VAR_1928              30
VAR_1929             591
VAR_1930               8
VAR_1931              10
VAR_1932              74
VAR_1933             363
VAR_1934               5
target                 2
VAR_0004_mod50        50
Length: 1935, dtype: int64

and build a histogram of those values

_ = plt.hist(nunique.astype(float)/train.shape[0], bins=100)


Let’s take a looks at the features with a huge number of unique values:

mask = (nunique.astype(float)/train.shape[0] > 0.8)
train.loc[:, mask]
ID VAR_0212 VAR_0227
0 2 NaN 311951
1 4 9.20713e+10 2.76949e+06
2 5 2.65477e+10 654127
3 7 7.75753e+10 3.01509e+06
4 8 6.04238e+10 118678
5 14 7.73796e+10 1.76557e+06
6 16 9.70303e+10 80151
7 20 3.10981e+10 853641
8 21 7.82124e+10 1.40254e+06
9 22 1.94014e+10 2.2187e+06
10 23 3.71295e+10 2.77679e+06
11 24 3.01203e+10 434300
12 25 1.80185e+10 1.48914e+06
13 26 9.83358e+10 686666
14 28 9.33087e+10 1.4847e+06
15 30 2.01715e+10 883714
16 31 4.15638e+10 2.6707e+06
17 32 9.17617e+10 2.65485e+06
18 35 3.81344e+10 487721
19 36 NaN 2.54705e+06
20 37 3.27144e+10 1.74684e+06
21 38 1.82142e+10 2.5813e+06
22 40 7.70153e+10 2.59396e+06
23 42 4.69701e+10 1.02977e+06
24 43 9.84442e+10 1.45101e+06
25 46 NaN 2.37136e+06
26 50 9.25094e+10 665930
27 51 3.09094e+10 497686
28 52 6.06105e+10 1.95816e+06
29 54 3.78768e+10 1.62591e+06
... ... ... ...
145201 290409 8.80126e+10 1.83053e+06
145202 290412 4.6152e+10 1.02024e+06
145203 290414 9.33055e+10 1.88151e+06
145204 290415 4.63509e+10 669351
145205 290417 2.36028e+10 655797
145206 290424 3.73293e+10 1.45626e+06
145207 290426 2.38892e+10 1.9503e+06
145208 290427 6.38632e+10 596365
145209 290429 3.00602e+10 572119
145210 290431 4.33429e+10 16120
145211 290432 3.86543e+10 2.08375e+06
145212 290434 9.21391e+10 1.89779e+06
145213 290436 3.07472e+10 2.94532e+06
145214 290439 7.83326e+10 2.54726e+06
145215 290440 NaN 600318
145216 290441 2.78561e+10 602505
145217 290443 1.90952e+10 2.44184e+06
145218 290445 4.62035e+10 2.87349e+06
145219 290447 NaN 1.53493e+06
145220 290448 7.54282e+10 1.60102e+06
145221 290449 4.30768e+10 2.08415e+06
145222 290450 7.81325e+10 2.85367e+06
145223 290452 4.51061e+10 1.56506e+06
145224 290453 4.62223e+10 1.46815e+06
145225 290454 7.74507e+10 2.92811e+06
145226 290457 7.05088e+10 2.03657e+06
145227 290458 9.02492e+10 1.68013e+06
145228 290459 9.17224e+10 2.41922e+06
145229 290461 4.51033e+10 1.53960e+06
145230 290463 9.14114e+10 2.6609e+06

145231 rows × 3 columns

The values are not float, they are integer, so these features are likely to be even counts. Let’s look at another pack of features.

mask = (nunique.astype(float)/train.shape[0] < 0.8) & (nunique.astype(float)/train.shape[0] > 0.4)
train.loc[:25, mask]
VAR_0541 VAR_0543 VAR_0899 VAR_1081 VAR_1082 VAR_1087 VAR_1179 VAR_1180 VAR_1181
0 49463 116783 112871 76857 76857 116783 76857 76857 76857
1 303472 346196 346375 341365 341365 346196 341365 341365 176604
2 94990 122601 121501 107267 107267 121501 107267 107267 58714
3 20593 59490 61890 45794 47568 59490 45794 47568 47568
4 10071 35708 34787 20475 23647 34708 20475 23647 23647
5 18877 28055 28455 21139 21139 28055 21139 21139 20627
6 321783 333565 886886 327744 327744 333565 327744 327744 163944
7 2961 5181 11084 4326 4326 5181 4326 4326 4326
8 20359 30114 33434 24969 27128 30114 24969 27128 27128
9 815 1300 7677 1197 1197 1300 1197 1197 1197
10 6088 15233 15483 7077 7077 15233 7077 7077 4033
11 432 1457 2000 621 621 757 621 621 621
12 383 539 860 752 1158 539 752 1158 1158
13 14359 47562 47562 17706 17706 47562 17706 17706 17706
14 145391 218067 214836 176627 176627 216307 175273 175273 91019
15 10040 12119 17263 10399 10399 12119 10399 10399 5379
16 4880 9607 9607 9165 9165 9607 9165 9165 9165
17 12900 35590 35781 26096 26096 35590 26096 26096 19646
18 104442 139605 150505 136419 142218 139605 136419 142218 142218
19 13898 25566 26685 20122 20122 25566 20122 20122 20122
20 3524 10033 10133 5838 5838 10033 5838 5838 5838
21 129873 204072 206946 183049 183049 204072 183049 183049 96736
22 3591 11400 17680 5565 5565 11400 5565 5565 5565
23 999999999 999999999 -99999 999999999 999999999 999999999 999999999 999999999 999999999
24 1270 4955 12201 2490 2490 4955 2490 2490 2490
25 2015 2458 2458 2015 2015 2458 2015 2015 1008

These look like counts too. First thing to notice is the 23th line: 99999.., -99999 values look like NaNs so we should probably built a related feature. Second: the columns are sometimes placed next to each other, so the columns are probably grouped together and we can disentangle that.

Our conclusion: there are no floating point variables, there are some counts variables, which we will treat as numeric.

And finally, let’s pick one variable (in this case ‘VAR_0015’) from the third group of features.

 0.0      102382
 1.0       28045
 2.0        8981
 3.0        3199
 4.0        1274
 5.0         588
 6.0         275
 7.0         166
 8.0          97
-999.0        56
 9.0          51
 10.0         39
 11.0         18
 12.0         16
 13.0          9
 14.0          8
 15.0          8
 16.0          6
 22.0          3
 21.0          3
 19.0          1
 35.0          1
 17.0          1
 29.0          1
 18.0          1
 32.0          1
 23.0          1
Name: VAR_0015, dtype: int64
cat_cols = list(train.select_dtypes(include=['object']).columns)
num_cols = list(train.select_dtypes(exclude=['object']).columns)

Go through

Let’s replace NaNs with something first.

train.replace('NaN', -999, inplace=True)

Let’s calculate how many times one feature is greater than the other and create cross tabel out of it.

# select first 42 numeric features
feats = num_cols[:42]

# build 'mean(feat1 > feat2)' plot


Indeed, we see interesting patterns here. There are blocks of geatures where one is strictly greater than the other. So we can hypothesize, that each column correspondes to cumulative counts, e.g. feature number one is counts in first month, second – total count number in first two month and so on. So we immediately understand what features we should generate to make tree-based models more efficient: the differences between consecutive values.

VAR_0002, VAR_0003


(-10, 1010)



12     5264
24     4763
36     3499
60     2899
6      2657
13     2478
72     2243
48     2222
3      2171
4      1917
2      1835
84     1801
120    1786
1      1724
7      1671
26     1637
5      1624
14     1572
18     1555
8      1513
999    1510
25     1504
96     1445
30     1438
9      1306
144    1283
15     1221
27     1186
38     1146
37     1078
877       1
785       1
750       1
653       1
784       1
764       1
751       1
797       1
926       1
691       1
808       1
774       1
902       1
755       1
656       1
814       1
813       1
685       1
739       1
935       1
906       1
807       1
550       1
933       1
804       1
675       1
674       1
745       1
778       1
851       1
Name: VAR_0002, Length: 820, dtype: int64
0      17436
24      3469
12      3271
60      3054
36      2498
72      2081
48      2048
6       1993
1       1797
3       1679
84      1553
2       1459
999     1428
4       1419
120     1411
7       1356
13      1297
18      1296
96      1253
14      1228
8       1216
5       1189
9       1182
30      1100
25      1100
144     1090
15      1047
61      1008
26       929
42       921
560        1
552        1
550        1
804        1
543        1
668        1
794        1
537        1
531        1
664        1
632        1
709        1
597        1
965        1
852        1
648        1
596        1
466        1
592        1
521        1
533        1
636        1
975        1
973        1
587        1
523        1
584        1
759        1
583        1
570        1
Name: VAR_0003, Length: 588, dtype: int64

We see there is something special about 12, 24 and so on, sowe can create another feature x mod 12.


train['VAR_0004_mod50'] = train['VAR_0004'] % 50
(0, 0.6)


Categorical features

Let’s take a look at categorical features we have.

0 1 2 3 4
VAR_0001 H H H H R
VAR_0005 C B C C N
VAR_0008 False False False False False
VAR_0009 False False False False False
VAR_0010 False False False False False
VAR_0011 False False False False False
VAR_0012 False False False False False
VAR_0043 False False False False False
VAR_0044 [] [] [] [] []
VAR_0073 NaT 2012-09-04 00:00:00 NaT NaT NaT
VAR_0075 2011-11-08 00:00:00 2011-11-10 00:00:00 2011-12-13 00:00:00 2010-09-23 00:00:00 2011-10-15 00:00:00
VAR_0156 NaT NaT NaT NaT NaT
VAR_0157 NaT NaT NaT NaT NaT
VAR_0158 NaT NaT NaT NaT NaT
VAR_0159 NaT NaT NaT NaT NaT
VAR_0166 NaT NaT NaT NaT NaT
VAR_0167 NaT NaT NaT NaT NaT
VAR_0168 NaT NaT NaT NaT NaT
VAR_0169 NaT NaT NaT NaT NaT
VAR_0176 NaT NaT NaT NaT NaT
VAR_0177 NaT NaT NaT NaT NaT
VAR_0178 NaT NaT NaT NaT NaT
VAR_0179 NaT NaT NaT NaT NaT
VAR_0196 False False False False False
VAR_0202 BatchInquiry BatchInquiry BatchInquiry BatchInquiry BatchInquiry
VAR_0204 2014-01-29 21:16:00 2014-02-01 00:11:00 2014-01-30 15:11:00 2014-02-01 00:07:00 2014-01-29 19:31:00
VAR_0214 NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN
VAR_0217 2011-11-08 02:00:00 2012-10-02 02:00:00 2011-12-13 02:00:00 2012-11-01 02:00:00 2011-10-15 02:00:00
VAR_0222 C6 C6 C6 C6 C6
VAR_0226 False False False False False
VAR_0229 False False False False False
VAR_0230 False False False False False
VAR_0232 True False True False True
VAR_0236 True True True True True
VAR_0239 False False False False False
VAR_0283 S S S S S
VAR_0305 S S P P P
VAR_0325 -1 H R H S
VAR_0342 CF EC UU -1 -1
VAR_0352 O O R R R
VAR_0353 U R R R U
VAR_0354 O R -1 -1 O
VAR_0466 -1 I -1 -1 -1
VAR_0467 -1 Discharged -1 -1 -1

VAR_0200, VAR_0237, VAR_0274 look like some georgraphical data thus one could generate geography related features, we will talk later in the course.

There are some features, that are hard to identify, but look, there a date columns VAR_0073VAR_0179, VAR_0204, VAR_0217. It is useful to plot one date against another to find relationships.

date_cols = [u'VAR_0073','VAR_0075',
             u'VAR_0166', u'VAR_0167',u'VAR_0168',u'VAR_0169',

for c in date_cols:
    train[c] = pd.to_datetime(train[c],format = '%d%b%y:%H:%M:%S')
    test[c] = pd.to_datetime(test[c],  format = '%d%b%y:%H:%M:%S')
c1 = 'VAR_0217'
c2 = 'VAR_0073'

# mask = (~test[c1].isnull()) & (~test[c2].isnull())
# sc2(test.ix[mask,c1].values,test.ix[mask,c2].values,alpha=0.7,c = 'black')

mask = (~train[c1].isnull()) & (~train[c2].isnull())


We see that one date is strictly greater than the other, so the difference between them can be a good feature. Also look at horizontal line there – it also looks like NaN, so I would rather create a new binary feature which will serve as an idicator that our time feature is NaN.
