Hasan's Post

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30 June 2021

Introduction to machine learning in production week 1

by Hasan

Common Deployment cases

  1. New product/ capability
  2. Automate / assist with manual task
  3. Replace previous ML systems

Key ideas

Deployment Mode

1. Shadow mode

* ML system and human will do parallely the deployment
* But ML system recommendation will not be used in production.
* Compare the both human and machine prediction and can evaluate the ML systems performance

2. Canary mode

* Roll out small amount of (say 5 %)traffic to production 
* if there is a error small amount of will be effected

3. Blue green mode

* New ML model will be green and old will be blue
* just change the traffic to green model
* if there is a problem we can just simply change to blue model

Degrees of automation

  1. Human only
  2. Shadow mode
  3. AI Assistance
    • Human will do prediction but AI system will help him. say in image detection algorithm will create bounding box in a specific area of the model
  4. Partial automation
    • if the prediction model is not sure then only sent to human for prediction.
    • Very effective
  5. Full automation

Monitoring Dashboard

  1. Server load
  2. Fraction of null output
  3. Fraction of missing input values

Best practise

Example of metric to track

Iterative process

Require retrain

Example Speech recoginition example

VAD–> speech recognition system User Data –> user profile –> Recommender system –> product recommendation.

Second week class notes
